Associazione Scuola Montessori is a private school established in Como, Italy in 1962 and acknowledged by the Italian state. We work in line with the Montessori philosophy and we offer
exceptional instruction and experiences to the children of our Nursery (1 to 3 years), Children's House (3 to 6 years), Primary School (6 to 11 years) and Middle School (11 to 14 years).
Our school is situated on the hills surrounding Como with a beautiful view over the lake and the city. The building has two floors and has a large playground with two soccer fields, one volleyball field and a lush didactic garden. The internal layout is in line with the Montessori principles, where each color, shape, image and piece of furniture respects the needs of our mixed-age children. At present we are able to host 250 children and 40 adults. Our middle school children study in a separate building.
Among the projects that our school offers, in 2010 we started our Intercultural Programme, which emphasizes the English language as a means of bridging cultures and people. Our curriculum is
based on the study of many different cultures in compliance with the Montessori Cosmic Plan principles. As the English language is our vehicle for communicating and discovering the world, we
realize the importance of consistent early exposure of our youngest children to the language by engaging them in a wide variety of English intercultural experiences. Our aim is growth through languages and cultures.